Coming from the other side, community colleges allow lesser educated people to teach their classes.
For a university/regular college, you must have a PhD to teach the class. Sure, you can have a teaching assistant help you, and for a lot of professors, that includes everything up to and including actually teaching the lecture, but the PhD must LEAD the class, prepare the class curriculum, etc.
At a community college, people with a masters or even graduate students or even sometimes less are allowed to teach. Sometimes, community colleges allow people with degrees from other countries that got degrees from universities that don’t have US accreditation to teach.
Now….I know a lot of… shady… universities are trying to allow people with lesser degrees to teach and they’re claiming it’s “temporary” because of covid, but that’s… technically… not allowed.
Community colleges also tend to focus on “non traditional” students. Aka not students right out of high school. Students who are adults who otherwise have day jobs, etc.
Source: Taught at a… shady… university that did exactly what I said. They replaced all the PhD professors with professors from other countries, or with masters students or graduate students and paid them half as much as they’d pay a normal professor. By “replace” I mean “they made it sufficiently annoying to keep working there that we all just… left when they started doing shady stuff.” We went from 12 professors in our department to 2 of the original left in 2 years. And the only reason those two were staying was because for 1, his Visa depended on it (he was from a country that had very well accredited universities and he went to one of them), and for the other, she was affiliated with the museum in town, which allowed her to do things she otherwise wouldn’t be able to do.
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