A narcissist is someone who is overly focused on themselves, seeking admiration and validation from others. They have an exaggerated sense of self-importance and lack empathy for others’ feelings.
A sociopath, on the other hand, doesn’t care about following the rules or treating others fairly. They have manipulative and deceitful behavior without feeling remorse or guilt, for personal gain without caring about the consequences. They charm people into trusting them, only to exploit them for their own benefit without any regard for the harm caused.
Narcissism is complete self-absorption in yourself, and some narcissists are indeed sociopaths but not all sociopaths are narcissists.
Sociopaths are a bit broader of a term. I could be a hermit who doesn’t care about myself but just want to be left alone and take extreme measures to punish those who won’t don’t abide by that.
At it’s most basic a sociopath is someone who doesn’t care about the social consequences of their actions. This means that they won’t have moral or ethical difficulties if what they want to do transgresses other people’s boundaries. This allows for a sociopath to be extremely manipulative but doesn’t make them so.
A narcissist on the other hand sees the world as revolving around them. That everything that happens anywhere was directed at them personally. Everyone exists for the sole purpose of improving the narcissists life and if they choose not to do so they’re in the wrong. These are people who would unironically say that they didn’t go to an event because someone else wouldn’t give them the money to do so or because someone else wouldn’t drive them. Everything is someone else’s fault.
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