Different specialty missions.
Green Beret – work with local military and/or resistance/militia groups to either stabilize or destabilize a country.
Delta – Experts at small team combat, hostage rescue, close quarters battle.
SEAL teams (Six is just one of the SEAL teams) – Underwater demolition, naval special warfare (doing spooky stuff on ships, from ships, to ships, or close to shore)
Marine Raiders – No idea, pretty sure they just disbanded them? Or maybe that was their Recon.
USAF – Pararescue and JTACs. Pararescue to rescue downed pilots behind enemy lines, JTACs to call in and coordinate close air support with other indirect and direct fire methods in support of Army units.
Army Rangers – Really good light infantry, kind of quasi-special forces given their size.
I’m sure there are even more that I don’t know. You could also say EOD is special forces kind of, given their focus on one task no matter what their branch of service is.
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