what’s the difference between current and voltage


what’s the difference between current and voltage

In: 9

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So current is just moving charges. Current is charge/unit time. Its how many charges move from A to B in one second for instance.

Voltage is potential energy. When you got a voltage it means that you have an electric potential difference. Lets look at a simple battery. A battery converts chemical energy into electric energy. The two ends of the battery point A and point B. So if there is a potential difference between A and B there is a potential for a current. All that means is that energy is available for a current to start.

One you connect the two ends of the battery charges will flow.

To look at a simple equation its Ohm’s law. R=U/I. R is the resistance of your wire for instance U is voltage and I is current. If you increase U and R stays the same I must increase. Which makes sense the more energy you got for a current you’ll have more current.

Anonymous 0 Comments

imagine a one way highway with cars

voltage is how fast the cars are going while
current is how many cars are there currently flowing through

to end it, resistance is how narrow/wide the highway is

higher voltage? cars go zoom

higher current? cars go slower because of a traffic jam, but you get more the amount of cars at the out end

higher resistance (narrower roads)? cars go slower because of less space to move

this is an oversimplification but is how I helped myself understand