what’s the difference between HSP(or SPS) and Autism?



I’m in the process of diagnosis for Autism and I’m reading up as much as I can on it, and have come across a lot of people talking about Highly Sensitive Persons / Sensory Processing Syndrome.

I read this link:

But it seems to me to basically sum up to:
There’s too many HSP to be autists.

The diagnosis of autism seems to be widening it’s criterias from the classic “white male child” tropes, yet still takes a firm stance away from HSP/SPS.
Why can HSP not be a subset of Autism?
They express that it can be comorbid with Autism, does that mean that every autistic person with sensory processing issues has SPS?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Autism is a broad spectrum of symptoms, one of which is hypersensitivity, but another of which is hyposensitivity, being particularly insensitive to stimulus. There are also a bunch of other symptoms which may or may not be present in folks on the spectrum unrelated to sensitivity.

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