what’s the difference between HSP(or SPS) and Autism?



I’m in the process of diagnosis for Autism and I’m reading up as much as I can on it, and have come across a lot of people talking about Highly Sensitive Persons / Sensory Processing Syndrome.

I read this link:

But it seems to me to basically sum up to:
There’s too many HSP to be autists.

The diagnosis of autism seems to be widening it’s criterias from the classic “white male child” tropes, yet still takes a firm stance away from HSP/SPS.
Why can HSP not be a subset of Autism?
They express that it can be comorbid with Autism, does that mean that every autistic person with sensory processing issues has SPS?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My cousin is like that he holds a job has a phone and can mostly take care of him self, he’s 40 now and when he was in grade school my Aunt and Uncle would take him to Doctors to see what was going on with him and he was branded low IQ, but

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