What’s the difference between ics vs embedded system?


I’m currently in the process of getting my A+ cert. What’s the difference between ICS and an embedded system?

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6 Answers

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(TL;DR) IC’s or integrated circuits are simply a commonly used circuit like a timer, amplifier, or logic gate, built into a small package that can be readily installed in a larger circuit to save time, while embedded systems are essentially tiny programmable computers that can run code meant to be used as a component in a larger device.

The IC’s functions are pretty much fixed. While some can operate on different “modes” by connecting them in different ways (Think of 555 timer or opamp feedback modes) the internal workings of an IC do not change, so if you have an IC that doesn’t do what you need you’re out of luck.

Think of them like ordering a prefab part of a house instead of purchasing some 2×4’s and going into carpentry.

Embedded systems on the other hand are tiny, fully fledged, computers with processors, memory, ram, etc, built into a chip package that are intended to work as a component of a larger device. And they can be programmed to do what you need them to.

They quite commonly have multi purposes legs that can be used to read voltages from sensors or a button press, or as an output to send out a voltage when the program calls for it. Quite commonly they can be connected to data buses or networks too.

Think of the chip in the electronic coffee maker, microwave, or alarm clock, for example. Or the electronic engine controller if you have a modern car.

These items aren’t computers or meant to be used as computers, but they do have computers inside as a component, to make them work. Those are embedded systems.

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