What’s the difference between Pteranodons, Pterosaurs, and Pterodactyls?


What’s the difference between Pteranodons, Pterosaurs, and Pterodactyls?

In: 222

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pterosaur is the overall name for all these flying reptiles from when dinosaurs were walking around.

Pterodactyls are ones that have teeth in their fossils.

Pteranodons are ones that don’t have teeth in their fossils.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pterosaurs were a large category of species within the category of reptiles. Pteranodon was a smaller, more specific category within Pterosauria. Pterodactyl (*Pterodactylus antiquus*) was the first species of pterosaur ever found, and came to be a colloquial name for the whole group.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Going from smallest to largest group:

“Pteranodon” is a subset of pterodactyloids.

“Pterodactyl” can refer **either** to the specific genus/species *Pterodactylus*, or, more colloquially, anything within the suborder Pterodactyloidea.

“Pterosaur” is the overarching group of flying lizards.

**So pteranodons are a type of pterodactyl, and pterodactyls are a type of pterosaur.**

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pterosaur is the name of the group of animals, characterized as being flying reptiles from the mesozoic era that are not dinosaurs.

Pteranodon is a genus of pterosaurs.

Pterodactyl (correctly called pterodactylus) is another genus of pterosaur.

Anonymous 0 Comments
