What’s the difference between ultra processed and tertiary processed?


It’s not clear to me what the difference is. They sound the same.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It appears to me that while ultra-processed is an official classification for low-nutrition junk food ingredients, tertiary refers to whole meals ready-to-eat, like a TV dinner.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Ultra Processed” is a newer term invented by a Brazilian researcher named Carlos Monteiro, which was taken up and used in a specific food classification system he invented that labels foods as either “minimally or unprocessed”, “processed ingredients” (AKA things like butter, lard, honey, tree syrup, coconut oil, salt, etc), “processed foods” (AKA canned vegetables, tomato extracts, jerky, bacon, nuts and seeds, canned fish, fresh cheese, fresh bread, and all fermented alcohols), and “ultra-processed foods” which is…basically everything else. Packaged snacks, cookies, ice cream, candy, soda, soup, most yogurt, most juice, margarine, dairy drinks, basically anything that is pre-packaged and not an ingredient itself, cereal, prepared baked products, infant formula and protein shakes, and all distilled alcohol.

I’ve only heard “tertiary processed” to mean something completely different, namely that it refers to things prepared at the store or gas station or whatever. Pre-prepared meals that were assembled at the place of purchase from other ingredients and then sold to you to usually heat up at home, but not always needing to be heated up.