what’s the difference in filming a video and speeding it up vs time lapse video?


what’s the difference in filming a video and speeding it up vs time lapse video?

In: 8

4 Answers

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If you want to take footage to cover a 12 hour period, leaving a camera running normally for a full 12 hours is just impractical – you would need to be babysitting your camera so that you could swap out memory cards and batteries as they fill and empty respectively, and then would be left with a vast amount of data that you need to store and edit into your final footage which means more hard drives, and more powerful computers will be required to deal with all of this.

After all of this, you will end up throwing away almost all of the data you have recorded – a 30 second long video at 30fps will take 900 frames worth of footage.
12 hours of recording at 30fps will create 1,296,000 frames worth of footage – you would be throwing away more than 99% of the footage you shot.

The answer to this is to use a time lapse. Instead of running the camera constantly, we can figure out that if we want to record 900 frames worth of footage over the course of 12 hours, we just need one frame every minute and fifteen seconds. So we can use some software to control our camera so that rather than running and recording constantly, it can go into a power saving mode while not actually recording.

Of course there is some leeway in what is practical – if you just want to speed up your footage x2 or x4, it may make sense to just record in full and edit later to give you more control.

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