What’s the law of large numbers?


Pretty much the title.

In: 388

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Another way to think about it: Everything that can possibly go wrong will eventually go wrong, if you repeat a process enough.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Unpopular opinion: It is BS. There is no LAW here. All that is really going on is we are experiencing what “probably” means. If you have some reason to understand what will “probably” happen, then it is fair to say what will probably happen. If you don’t, then you can test. After one trial, you have no idea if that outcome will repeat. After ten trials, you can say probably the next ten will somewhat match. After twenty, they probably will match well. After thousands, probably they will match really, really well. So if you are comparing many results from before, with a few results just recently, PROBABLY the next results will match the many.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The Law of Large Numbers is like when you play with a big box of colorful candies. When you take a small handful of candies, it’s hard to know if you’ll get all the different colors. But when you take a LOT of candies, like a whole big box, you’re much more likely to get a good mix of all the colors.