what’s the logic behind bailing someone out? How does it work?


So for example, a guy murders people, gets arrested and a bail is set for 5 million dollars. Does the guy walk off if the bail is paid? plz 🙂

In: 11

34 Answers

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Side note on bail v bond.

Bail is the TOTAL amount, as set by a judge, which will be forfeited to the court if the defendant fails to appear for trial.
Bond is 10 percent of the above.
THEREFORE, in order for bond to be ‘set’ at $1 million, for example, bail would have to have been set at $10 million.

Edit: hit wrong button.

Not every US state has bail bondsmen. Illinois does not allow bail bondsmen. You need bond to get out? Figure it out but you won’t got to a bond company for the $.

You skip out while on bail, you get a warrant for your arrest and when you do show up/are rearrested, you’ll forfeit the original bond, may end up in jail until the trial or have to pay a new higher bail/bond to get out.

Now of course Illinois is trying to end cash bail for low level offenders. As a few have pointed out, even $500 bond can be impossible for some detainees.

But yes for someone accused of murder, a $5 million bail would need $500,000 cash to get out pending trial. Most people can’t come up with that.

If they do, a judge can also order electronic home monitoring (ankle bracelet) and for the accused to surrender their passport.

Other bail provisions can include thing like no consumption of alcohol, no contact with the victim/family, no contact with underage children ….

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