what’s the logic behind bailing someone out? How does it work?


So for example, a guy murders people, gets arrested and a bail is set for 5 million dollars. Does the guy walk off if the bail is paid? plz 🙂

In: 11

34 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

it is a deposit to make sure you show up for the trial, if you show for the trial you get it back

Anonymous 0 Comments

it is a deposit to make sure you show up for the trial, if you show for the trial you get it back

Anonymous 0 Comments

Unfortunately, the whole process definitely favors the wealthy….

We say innocent until proven guilty, then make the process so difficult. In many cases, in order to prove your innocence, you have to have time and you have to have money.

You get arrested, you get a bail, but can you pay it?….not always. So then you sit in jail. But for how long? Well that depends…if you want to take it to trial, you can expect to be waiting a looooong time before you can prove yourself. AND you have to consider any chance of the trial not going your way. When that happens you can expect to be hit with all charges in full. Which obviously would end with you being stuck in jail even longer than waiting on trial. So now you have to decide what your chances look like and if it’s worth trying, even though you KNOW you’re innocent.

Which brings in another option…plea bargain. If you don’t have the money, definitely don’t have the time to wait in jail for trial or you know your chances with trial aren’t looking good, you can always go for the plea bargain. Taking a lesser charge that is offered even when you’re COMPLETELY innocent…awesome system isn’t it?

I can’t tell you how many people I’ve known that were faced with situations like this and felt the easiest thing to do was to take a crappy plea bargain. But like I said, it favors the wealthy. Because even at the end of all of it, you get to add some kind of bs to your record, possibly be sentenced to time in jail AND you get to pay any fines or restitution they decided to give you

….gotta love it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Unfortunately, the whole process definitely favors the wealthy….

We say innocent until proven guilty, then make the process so difficult. In many cases, in order to prove your innocence, you have to have time and you have to have money.

You get arrested, you get a bail, but can you pay it?….not always. So then you sit in jail. But for how long? Well that depends…if you want to take it to trial, you can expect to be waiting a looooong time before you can prove yourself. AND you have to consider any chance of the trial not going your way. When that happens you can expect to be hit with all charges in full. Which obviously would end with you being stuck in jail even longer than waiting on trial. So now you have to decide what your chances look like and if it’s worth trying, even though you KNOW you’re innocent.

Which brings in another option…plea bargain. If you don’t have the money, definitely don’t have the time to wait in jail for trial or you know your chances with trial aren’t looking good, you can always go for the plea bargain. Taking a lesser charge that is offered even when you’re COMPLETELY innocent…awesome system isn’t it?

I can’t tell you how many people I’ve known that were faced with situations like this and felt the easiest thing to do was to take a crappy plea bargain. But like I said, it favors the wealthy. Because even at the end of all of it, you get to add some kind of bs to your record, possibly be sentenced to time in jail AND you get to pay any fines or restitution they decided to give you

….gotta love it.