What’s the name of this logical fallacy?


When people say that e.g. it’s such a miracle that life on Earth exists because the slightest change in its distance from the Sun or gravity or the lack of water would make it impossible for us to be around – forgetting that our existence presupposes all this. Or an argument for God that it cannot be accidental that we have all the preconditions on Earth to sustain ourselvea and that the way nature and our body works is a miracle – but it’s precisely why it can work and there are many planets where life couldn’t form for the lack of these components.

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16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The first part is not a logical fallacy at all. It’s a perfectly valid statement: The odds of a planet having life as we know it are ~0.

The second part is just formal fallacy (as opposed to an informal fallacy which are all the fallacies that have fancy names) because you cannot derive the conclusion (god must exist) from the premises (P1: the probability of a planet having life is ~0, P2: there is life on Earth)

Or if you rewrite it slightly differently it’s begging the question. P1: life can only exist if god exists, P2: life exists, C: god exists

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