whats the purpose of tri semester?


Im going to first year college and asked my friend where is his college and said he still isn’t finished with senior high school as he is in a tri semester. Whats the pros and cons of the tri semester? Does this mean he is going to be 1 year behind?

Also my other friend went to college but different places with me and is also tri semester so does this mean he will also be behind two semester?

Im a freshmen college and enrolled as BSCPE with 2 semester in the whole school year

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s just a different way of dividing up the school year. You currently have semesters, which means you take two sets of classes in a year. A trimester breaks the year into three part instead of two.

You learn the same amount in a year in both systems. There are pros and cons to both.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s just a different way of doing things. You’re still usually doing 4 classes at once for about the same amount of time per year. With the trimester, you get more variety of classes, but aren’t able to cover quite as much in each class.

For example, say your first year you’re taking Math, physics, humanities, and gen-ed classes for your 4 classes. In the Math, Phys, and Humanities will cover roughly the same amount of material between the two systems. But for the gen ed classes, the trimester system will have three separate gen eds with less depth, and the semester system will only have two, but cover each in more depth.

It’s a different way of doing things. They have minor benefits and drawbacks, but are roughly equivalent as far as quality of education goes

Anonymous 0 Comments

As others have said different way of organizing the school year. The High School I went to was full year. Honestly I think it is a better system especially in the grade 9/10 range.

My issue with semesters has to do with the maths and sciences primarily. If you’re in 9 and take Math first semester, then in 10 you don’t take it until second semester it’s now been a year. Is is any wonder so many people struggle with it? You’re being asked to understand new concepts but at the same time barely remember what you learned a year ago.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Trimesters are sort of like long quarters.

Quarters are usually 10 weeks long and you usually take 3 quarters per year or 30 weeks per year.

Semesters are usually 15 weeks long and you usually take 2 semesters per year or 30 weeks per year.

Trimesters are usually 12-13 weeks long and you usually take 3 trimesters per year or 36-39 weeks per year.

I’ve believe trimesters are more common in pre-college level education, and is probably because a lot of parents use school as day care, and this maximizes the time the kids are in school.

Personally, I’ve always been a big fan of Quarters since classes are quicker and more focused.