What’s the purpose of Twinning, when it comes to small towns in the UK?


For example the town i live is ‘Twinned’ with a random town in France, but there are many local towns twinned with other towns all over Europe beyond.

In: 19

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My favorite ‘sister cities’ Boring, Bland, and Dull.


Anonymous 0 Comments

There are often school trips and other visits organized, so that people get to know each other.

Here’s a fun story about my former home-town of Cologne, which is twinned with Turin in Italy, and with Turku in Finland.

One quirk of the Finnish language is that in the genitive form there can be a lot of changes to the word stem – unlike English, there the genitive of Turku would be ‘Turku’s’, in Finnish that becomes ‘Turun’, which, incidentally, sounds a lot like ‘Turin’ …

One day, the partnership office in the town hall got a message from some “Turun laulamiehet” (Turku’s men choir) that they are planning a visit, and since they don’t speak German, if they could provide an interpreter …

Of course, the city name was misread, and they were welcomed by an Italian interpreter, who unsurprisingly couldn’t really help them at all 🙂

The town hall officials then called up the university if they had someone to help out, and they sent their Finnish-teacher, who also told me this story of his heroic rescue 😀