what’s the science behind people observing colors differently?


Is it a difference in the amount of rods and cones? Or could it be something else entirely?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s usually false electrical signals being sent by defective rods or cones, according to this source.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s probably a combination of many factors and we aren’t 100% sure on everything. Number of rods and cones is one factor, also shame of the eye ball itself, shape of the lense. Also how the signals are processed in the brain affects it

Anonymous 0 Comments

For color blindness, yes, there’s a difference in the cones. Either they line up to make it harder to differentiate between colors, or one or more cones are just outright faulty or missing.

That said, if we’re just looking at perception of color between healthy individuals, you physically perceive the colors the same way. You might, internally, ‘experience’ it different, but that’s a philosophy discussion more than it’s a science one – the signal is the signal and the wavelength is consistent across people.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So people see colors because of special cells in their eyes called “cones.” These cones help us see different colors by reacting to light in different ways.

But sometimes people’s cones don’t work the same way as other people’s cones. Some people might have more of one kind of cone cell than another, or their cone cells might react to light differently. This can make it so that people see colors a little bit differently from each other.

But it’s not just about the cones – it could also be about how the brain processes the signals it gets from the cones. Sometimes the brain might mix up the colors that it sees, which can make it seem like people are seeing different colors.

So it’s a combination of how the eyes work and how the brain works that can make it seem like people see colors differently.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The way that we perceive color is largely determined by the photoreceptor cells in our eyes called cones. These cells are sensitive to different wavelengths of light and allow us to see a range of colors, including blue, green, and red. However, the number and sensitivity of these cones can vary from person to person, leading to differences in color perception.

In addition to individual differences in cone function, other factors can also influence color perception. These can include lighting conditions, the presence of other colors in the visual field, and prior experiences and cultural context. All of these things combine to create the complex and subjective experience of seeing color.