What’s wrong with mlms?


From my basic knowledge of mlm, you are basically just recruiting more people to work in a particular company, right? Why are so many people against mlms if you’re just helping people get jobs?

Edit: Okay I understand now

In: 2

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of every MLM as a scam. Multi level marketing is supposed to “make you rich” by convincing you to sell these products and trap your friends.

Here’s the catch you make more money for every person you refer. So in a perfect world. You will sell then get your friends on board to sell. In turn you will receive a portion of their sales profits and you will get big. Right.

Nope what happens is you pay an up front fee. Say 500$ plus a business license. Then you can sell these products that few people actually want.

Once your done selling crap to all your friends your customer pool has dried up to nothing. Usually this happens before you even make the initial start up costs back. Then the only way to make money is get more signups by hosting meetings.

In the end everyone loses except the few high ranking lifetimers that sold you on this lie.

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