whatsa pulmonary embolism

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can someone explain to me what this is pls bc i was in a hospital a while back and had someone at the hospital i was at diagnose me with this i think??

guessing it might be lung or blood related bc i had multiple ct scans and xrays of my chest bc of the immense chest pain i was in and i had my blood taken probably at least like 3 times daily and i was in that hospital quite litteraly all of april

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

An embolus is something that starts of in a blood vessel somewhere, then travels and gets stuck. It’s usually a blood clot, but can be other things. A pulmonary embolism is one that gets caught in your lungs. They usually come from blood clots in your legs. All of the veins from your legs to your heart get bigger and bigger, so the clot can easily travel there. Once past your heart, the vessels get smaller as they go to your lungs, and eventually the clot gets stuck. This blocks blood from getting to that part of your lungs, which means it can’t get oxygen/get rid of CO2

Anonymous 0 Comments

A pulmonary embolism is a blood clot in your lung. I had one due to a genetic clotting disorder that I didn’t know I had. Docs told me it usually happens when a blood clot forms elsewhere in the body (typically the legs), then it gets dislodged and travels somewhere more dangerous, such as the lungs, brain or heart. In this case, it ended up in your lungs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your lungs, like all organs, have a blood supply. The pulmonary arteries supply blood TO the lungs from the heart, and the veins supply blood FROM the lungs to the heart.

An embolus is a piece of blood clot that has broken off in one part of the body and gets lodged in a different part.

A pulmonary embolus is when this clot lodges itself in the pulmonary arteries and obstructs the lungs’ blood supply – as you can imagine, this is potentially life threatening. The most common association is a blood clot in the deep veins of the legs embolizing to the lungs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Blood is the stuff that runs around our body taking nutrients to cells and picking up the waste. It contains multiple types of cells to do its job. Some of those are cells that clot the blood to stop us from bleeding to death from a minor cut or scrape. There are other things that prevent the blood from clotting when the blood is just running around doing its job. There’s a delicate balance between the two at all times. Sometimes, something goes wrong and a blood clot does form inside a blood vessel where it does not belong. If the clot gets big enough, and the anti clotting factors can’t get it broken down, the flow of blood will pick it up and push it through the blood vessels like a tree branch on a river. Eventually, the clot can get pushed into a blood vessel that’s too small for it to pass through. very often in the lungs because of the pathway that the blood takes. The clot gets stuck, dams up the lung (pulmonary) vessel so no good blood can pass. The part of your lung on the far side of the dam can no longer get nutrients, or remove waste, so it begins to die causing the pain and breathing issues.

Anonymous 0 Comments

damn i got blood clots in my lungs