When a band appears on a TV show and it is obvious they are lip synching, why do we not hear the drums that are on stage?


What I mean by that is, obviously the guitars and other instruments are not plugged in, but the drums don’t have that option. So why can we not hear that the drums are actually live? Hopefully that makes sense what I am asking.

In: 3815

63 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

In a word, “mutes”. They put heavy rubber pads on the drums that absorb most of the noise, and clips on the cymbals so they just go -tink- instead of a loud crash. You might be able to find similar at your local music shop.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The studio audience would hear muffled drums, if they weren’t drowned out by the in studio PA. As for you watching on the TV, if there are no mics in studio picking up the ambient sound, you’d only hear the broadcast track anyway.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They could turn off all the microphones. If you’re saying that we’re not hearing the live music, or the live singing, then there’s no need for any of the microphones to be working, so they can all be turned off, and we’d just hear the pre-recorded song.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a word, “mutes”. They put heavy rubber pads on the drums that absorb most of the noise, and clips on the cymbals so they just go -tink- instead of a loud crash. You might be able to find similar at your local music shop.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In studio people would be able to hear somewhat.

The audio is just turned off completely for the cameras though, so the audience at home can’t hear anything because no mics are on.

Edit: Also, the track is also being pumped into the studio very loudly for the band to lip sync to, and drowns out what little sounds the drums are actually making as well.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They could turn off all the microphones. If you’re saying that we’re not hearing the live music, or the live singing, then there’s no need for any of the microphones to be working, so they can all be turned off, and we’d just hear the pre-recorded song.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They could turn off all the microphones. If you’re saying that we’re not hearing the live music, or the live singing, then there’s no need for any of the microphones to be working, so they can all be turned off, and we’d just hear the pre-recorded song.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a word, “mutes”. They put heavy rubber pads on the drums that absorb most of the noise, and clips on the cymbals so they just go -tink- instead of a loud crash. You might be able to find similar at your local music shop.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Apart from mutes you can also stuff the shells of the drums to cut out most of the volume and double up the cymbals. My band did this for a music video and once stuffed with blankets the toms, kick, and snare made about as much noise as a cardboard box full of clothing when they were hit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Was in a band that appeared on TV to lip synch a song we wrote. We had the instrumental track and we’re supposed to sing live. Our instruments were not plugged in. They had shitty stage monitors playing the backing track so we could sing to it. The drummer tried to play “very lightly” and they did not use tape or pads. But he was just too loud, and he drowned out the monitors. At one point we were all just listening to him and we all got off the beat. We realized it, and he just stopped playing so we could hear the track, and then got back on the beat. Total pain in the ass. Studio audience must have been like WTF. Would have been much simpler to just let us play live.

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