When a band appears on a TV show and it is obvious they are lip synching, why do we not hear the drums that are on stage?


What I mean by that is, obviously the guitars and other instruments are not plugged in, but the drums don’t have that option. So why can we not hear that the drums are actually live? Hopefully that makes sense what I am asking.

In: 3815

63 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was wondering this yesterday! I think they use muted (noise cancelling pads) on the tops of the drums

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rubber heads make barely any sound instead of standard heads. And tape on bottom of cymbals greatly reduce sound

Anonymous 0 Comments

[This guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLm6jtO-Szo&ab_channel=ScottPropandRoll) does full length videos too, but he’s a prop master that’s worked on several popular TV shows and movies. He goes into decent detail on the matter. And he has some pretty great dad jokes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Props to docvoit for a good question! I had no idea about any of this until I read some of the informed replies!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rubber heads make barely any sound instead of standard heads. And tape on bottom of cymbals greatly reduce sound

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rubber heads make barely any sound instead of standard heads. And tape on bottom of cymbals greatly reduce sound

Anonymous 0 Comments

[This guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLm6jtO-Szo&ab_channel=ScottPropandRoll) does full length videos too, but he’s a prop master that’s worked on several popular TV shows and movies. He goes into decent detail on the matter. And he has some pretty great dad jokes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

[This guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLm6jtO-Szo&ab_channel=ScottPropandRoll) does full length videos too, but he’s a prop master that’s worked on several popular TV shows and movies. He goes into decent detail on the matter. And he has some pretty great dad jokes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Props to docvoit for a good question! I had no idea about any of this until I read some of the informed replies!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Props to docvoit for a good question! I had no idea about any of this until I read some of the informed replies!