When a company gets bailed out with taxpayer money, why is it not owned by the public now?

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When a company gets bailed out with taxpayer money, why is it not owned by the public now?

In: Economics

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

because you probably live in america. Where the people only have the illusion of power. They honestly dont care what happens around them for the most part, so long as every now an then they get to bitch an cry about bad stuff, but so long as their day to day life doesnt change, so long as the flag remains the same color, shape, etc. so long as their lifestyle doesnt change drastically they really dont care who owns or runs them behind the scenes. Although every once in awhile when a politician needs votes or a platform theyll disclose what countries own what businesses in the united states to “rattle the masses” into “thats not owned by merica” and do some general boycotting or hating rhetoric against said rival.

Hell they couldnt even jail a single banker during that whole shit fest a few years back. They cant even get the ingredients that are banned by most of the world out of their own food, because it drives so many highly profitable industries. Cancer causing substances, drives cancer treatments and medicines. Mental disorders, drives big pharma pills, so we definitely want to give people disorders. etc etc. Mind you most of that really only targets the poor to mid class because once your rich enough to buy that overpriced healthy food that doesnt have any of those harmful shit in, they can kill off people who arent similar to that class, slowly, slow enough to make shit tons of money off them as they work their lives away. slowly enough to indoctrinate your offspring, and ingratiate those of that class. it is an US vs Them mentality and at the end of the day, most people are not willing to risk their lifestyles, offspring, homes, jobs status and the loss there of, with making things better. Its a mixture of mass narcissicm, mass stockholm syndrome, mass societal standardization mixed with manipulation of pack dynamics, and psycological/biological manipulation.

Since the (american) {*you can generally insert any country here*} corporations are usually the ones fucking things up in someone elses country, and since those corporations are staffed by people of that country, when those employees of that country get shot at, kidnappped, ransomed, robbed etc. they can run the news story rhetoric of oh no look at your people being harmed, just to galvanize your military to hit those hitting you, when your probably the ones hitting first anyways, it gives the appearance to the masses that your the “good guys” cause for the most part, most people on average have next to nothing to do with most shit that goes on outside of their own little communities, let alone what corporations are doing in another persons country.

Im sure behind the scenes when the fed bails out companies their are arrangements made between that class of people, but since your not the fed and most likely not of that class of people, it doesnt really concern you.

here comes the downvotes, dont give a shit though.

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