When a fruit ripens, it gets sweeter over time. Are the sugars already there for the fruit to get sweeter or how does it gain “sweetness” over time?


When a fruit ripens, it gets sweeter over time. Are the sugars already there for the fruit to get sweeter or how does it gain “sweetness” over time?

In: 447

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Other have covered. Fruit has starch which converts into sugar over time as it ripens. Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t eat thing that are not ripe. Many unripe food appear in cuisines.

Fried Green tomatoes are delicious and a thing in the Southern states of the US. Breaded and deep fried, mmm mm, good. Another raw fruit, green bananas. They are starchy like a potato and are often double fried in Spanish dishes called tostones. You cut a 1.5 inch knob from the green banana, fry until lightly golden, then smash it flat and fry again until deep golden. The are amazing when served with a garlic mayo called Aioli. Green bananas are also used as a starch in many Haitian’s dishes as well.

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