When a great musician is playing, how can I hear the difference between them and an above average musician?


I was at my son’s concert and they sounded great. That got me to wonder if I could hear the difference if a Broadway Orchestra played the same music. If so, what would I hear differently

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21 Answers

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I’ve worked in theater and we were good at a local theater level and would crush a school production by a wide margin, but no where as good as when I worked for musicals in NYC. The vocal range of the singers is far more controlled, expressive and effortless vs like nerves or other things like running out of breath be heard by the audience. Beginner instruments is where you are hitting all the notes, people could recognize the song, but that’s it. Someone with skills you really can hear the groove and subtle timing things are just dialed in so the articulation of the notes is far more complete and expressive.

As you listen to professional music, you can hear the person’s expression in how they play. I can hear someone play a piece, but there’s no feeling, it’s robotic as theyre just trying to hit the notes and get through the song and this is more aparrent in amateurs whose skills are challenged by the song difficulty. Then hear someone else play like as if their life depended on it and that the notes are etched into their soul, it just comes from them. Its something the audience feels when someone is tapped in, there is a vibe, a feeling, that comes from gifted musicians that make them engaging aside from being technically good.

Some examples




This is more in-depth with a vocal coach talking about the tone vs a pro and amateur singer

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