When a helicopter lands on a moving yacht, how come it doesn’t slide when it touches the yacht? How does it just lock on with the yacht?


When a helicopter lands on a moving yacht, how come it doesn’t slide when it touches the yacht? How does it just lock on with the yacht?

In: 10

6 Answers

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I have not idea how it can or is done in a civilian yacht but military there are hold-down devices.

The helicopter hover and drop down a wire that is attached the hold-down device. The wire is then winched in from the ship and the helicopter increases the lift a bit to counter it partialy. If the wire snaps the helicopter has positive lift and will go up. The helicopter is slowly winched down and when it land the trap close and lock the helicopter to the ship

Look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XvdXwgYN_s

When a helicopter is stationary on deck it can be died down to anchor points in the deck. There is a point on the helicopter you attach them to. IT will be done with chainshttps://www.peckhale.com/sites/default/files/styles/gallery_light_box__850x850_/public/gallery_images/TD1-B%20Tiedown%20Assembly%20%26%20Type%20XIV%20Deck%20Socket.jpg?itok=cZXDRqg7

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