When an egg is layed, how does the flech, blood, bones etc form? Are they formed from scratch? or is the existing material inside the shell is the flesh and bone but just in the right shape yet?


When an egg is layed, how does the flech, blood, bones etc form? Are they formed from scratch? or is the existing material inside the shell is the flesh and bone but just in the right shape yet?

In: 110

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A fertilized egg contains an embryo, and yolk.

The embryo’s genetic code is what instructs its cells to grow and divide and develop into a full fledged animal. The embryo eats the yolk to gather the matter it needs to grow. When the animal is fully developed, all the yolk is consumed and the animal breaks out of the egg

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is formed from scratch exactly like with a fertilized mammal egg. The difference is, rather than getting nutrients from a placenta, all of the stuff needed for the fetus to grow is already inside the egg.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The egg contains all of the materials that will become those different tissue types. But they are unassembled like a pool full of loose legos. The first few chicken cells of a fertilized egg have the machinery to start assembling those “legos” into more and more complex cells. Eventually you get to a point where there are specialized cells with the right machinery to make the blood, bones, muscle, feathers, brain, and every other distinct tissue type of a baby chick.

Then after birth, of course, the chick will have to start finding food to keep making more of itself.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’ve seen an egg cracked open, I bet. See any bones?

The egg contains the raw chemical materials for the cells of the embryo to grow into a chick. Bones are formed from bone-forming cells and calcium. The white is mostly water and protein; the yolk is mostly water, fats, and protein. but there’s enough vitamins and minerals to supply the growing embryo. Sugars, DNA, and other chemicals of life are formed by breaking down the proteins and fats.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone else has answered right, but to clarify, eggs that you eat and buy in stores are generally not fertilized. They would have to be intentionally done so.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are formed just like how human babies grow from a fertilized egg into a fetus. The genetic code contains the instructions that direct how the fertilized egg is developed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Does eating the egg as an egg Vs eating the almost fully developed embryo (balut) give the same nutritional value?

Anonymous 0 Comments

[This video](https://youtu.be/uE0uKvUbcfw) will show you a chickens development from an egg.

Anonymous 0 Comments

All of the lego parts to make the whole chick are inside the egg, except some gas that can pass through the shell when needed. Also, there is a set of instructions for building a chick (DNA), and tiny lego machines already assembled that build all the other legos into the chick by following the instructions.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, from scratch. The scratch being the nutrients in the egg yolk and whites.

The cells eat it and grow more cells.