when apps sell our data, what exactly are they selling?

472 viewsOtherTechnology

Is it my search history? My Instagram pictures? If so what exactly is useful about this to the people they sell to? I was thinking they might sell to scammers but idk

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s your online activity and interests, so that ads can be targeted.

If you are a vegan, you typically visit websites about vegan lifestyle and recipes, follow vegan chefs on Instagram, buy vegan foods *and no meat or dairy foods* etc etc

This is the data that is sold. Your online activity, what you see/view/buy etc *and also what you don’t*

Why? Because advertisers want to target their ads at people who will buy their products and services, and NOT show those ads to people who would not buy their products and services.

It would be a waste (of the advertiser’s) money to show ads for leather goods or meat products to a vegan person.

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