when apps sell our data, what exactly are they selling?

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Is it my search history? My Instagram pictures? If so what exactly is useful about this to the people they sell to? I was thinking they might sell to scammers but idk

In: Technology

8 Answers

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It’s all that, but also little things you don’t really realize are data. Like your location, or the wifi you are on.

If you go on WiFi for a restaurant, your apps will know you’re on the WiFi for that restaurant and may target ads. If your location shows up at a gas station every 1 weeks, or every 3 weeks, your apps can estimate about how frequently you’re driving.

If you have 1, 2, or 3 people with unique Instagram accounts regularly using your home WiFi, then Instagram can guess your family or living situation, and target ads appropriately.

If you spend the night at a new girlfriend’s place and get on the WiFi, or your location matches her, your apps can guess that you’re in a new relationship and target ads appropriately.

Have you ever been talking about something, not searched it, but often ads, thinking that your phone is listening or spying on you? It’s not, but maybe someone else in your group searched for whatever you were talking about, and because you’re at the same location or on the same WiFi, now you get ads for it.

If your WiFi also hosts a smart refrigerator, or smart TV, or other shh mg art decide, then your data collected from your phone can be combined with data from those devices to gather more info on you.

If you use a rewards card grocery shopping linked to your phone number, then every grocery purchase you make can be tied to your phone number, and data on what you buy can be sold to different customers, and combined with other data.

If you order online through your email, the same data can be identified and sold.

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