when apps sell our data, what exactly are they selling?

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Is it my search history? My Instagram pictures? If so what exactly is useful about this to the people they sell to? I was thinking they might sell to scammers but idk

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For the most part when apps “sell your data” they are simply gathering massive amounts of innocuous info about what sites you go to and what you look at and selling it off to “advertising partners” who try to target advertising to the people who are more likely to buy particular products. You search for Adidas shoes and you get advertisements for Adidas shoes.

Selling your private data like your passwords, credit card information, even your instagram pictures is illegal and apps that do that get discovered and shut down quick enough it’s generally not even worth it.

Apps do far more annoying things than selling your data though. They can send you to websited that will infect you with viruses and many, many of them use your devices to do crypto-mining for their corporate owners. I think that’s my personal pet peeve. The McDonald’s app about overheats my phone doing that.

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