Like many things construction related it’s all about coordination, or lack there of.
The people and equipment that rip up the road is not the same people/equipment that pave it. The efficient way of doing things is to schedule team A while team B finished up the prior job. Then team A moves on to the next job while team B moves into this job.
That way you never have a situation where team B is waiting on team A to finish.
The problem comes in when there’s a delay in either team. If there’s a team A delay, then team B will be ready before A is finished and that’s a problem. So normally they build in some buffer time into the schedule, a few days perhaps.
But then what happens is a delay on team B’s part. Then that buffer of a few days turns into a lot more days. Team A sticks to the original schedule but team B is now behind by 6 days. Then there’s another delay and next thing you know it’s weeks that B is behind by. Now rather than a tight package of team A finishing then team B moving in, now you have this huge gap.
What happens in some cities is that team A is really good at keeping a schedule but team B is not. might be problems with team B, might be crap equipment, might be weather related problems, might be a lot of reasons. But if team A sticks to the schedule but team B is constantly being delayed then the gap just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger 🙁
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