It will almost never be physical cash. Countries have bank accounts usually in many different banks to help manage day to day requirements of the government. This is just like a personal or business bank account.
If the aid is purely monetary, then the donor country instructs their bank to send the money electronically to the account of the recipient country.
Aid can come in many forms and can be used in many forms. So it would be impossible to say in any specific terms. Some aid can come in the form of loans, some aid are just pure donations of cash, a lot of aid comes in the form of actual goods (medicines, food etc).
How the recipient government uses it depends. If the aid is simply given with no strings attached, then it can be used for any purpose. If the aid comes with conditions of use (say to build a dam or road, help flood victims etc) then it should be used for that purpose. There may be strict oversight or there may be little oversight – it all depends.
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