When did dinner become lunch?


Back in the day you had dinner in the afternoon, and supper in the evening.

Now you have dinner in the evening, and who even invited this lunch guy?

When did this change happen? Is there a reason for it?

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19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also it depends on what you consider to be lunch. I’m from Croatia but I worked in Norway.

In Croatia, lunch is the largest family hot meal, usually around 12:00 (if you’re from a village) or 16:00 (if you’re from a city).
In Norway lunch is a sad slice of wholewheat bread with a sad slice of cheese, eaten at your lunch break, around 12:00. Dinner is a largest hot meal for the whole family eaten at 19:00.

So even if we were to define accurately at what time dinner/supper is supposed to be, every country has a different definition of what that is.

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