When does general anaesthesia stop working (if ever)


ELI5. If I were under general anaesthesia and then underwent critical trauma (ie. fed to a large animal, severed in some way) would I feel anything or wake up?

(Is there a point where general anaesthesia stops doing stuff when the body goes through enough trauma)

Sorry I realise how mental this question is haha

In: 10

6 Answers

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The body gradually loses function(s) based on the “depth” of anesthesia. You can be unconscious but still respond to painful stimuli (like moving when the scalpel cuts). But if you deepen anesthesia the body loses this ability as well, BUT will still largely keep ability to maintain breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature regulation, etc. However, at even deeper levels of anesthesia the body loses these regulatory functions as well and need to be supported (like with a ventilator when breathing stops). At even further levels of anesthesia you can cause these vital functions to cease entirely (including brain function), up to and including death.

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