when einstein describes the movement of obects in space via one object “bending the fabric” of space, what is that fabric of space exactly?


Like in this demonstration: https://youtu.be/MTY1Kje0yLg?si=tohjaO8JBmt7IpWo

The movement of two objects is explained using Einstein’s theory of objects in space bending the fabric of space to cause one object to move in relation to another.

My question is what makes up the “fabric of space” that is being bent? As in the example of the linked video, what in space makes up what that blue fabric represents?

In: 3

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The mention of fabric is a metaphor. The way I understand it, the demonstration you linked is a 3d representation of the effect of gravity by looking at a 2d example of space. Meaning don’t look at it from the side, you need to look at it from directly above to see the motions at play. The stretch of the fabric is the representation of the effect of gravity.

Another way to put it is, without gravity an object in motion travels in a straight line. Gravity causes space to curve, so the object in motion is still traveling in a straight line, but the path is bent without a direct force applied to the object.

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