When flights get cancelled because of heavy winds / bad weather, why is it only e.g. 10% of all flights and not 100%? Isn’t either too dangerous so no plane can take off or it’s safe so they all can take off ?


When flights get cancelled because of heavy winds / bad weather, why is it only e.g. 10% of all flights and not 100%? Isn’t either too dangerous so no plane can take off or it’s safe so they all can take off ?

In: Other

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s also a cascade effect from other regions being too windy/bad weather. It was too windy in Minneapolis, so that plane never made it to Chicago type deal, *and now the Chicago flight is delayed*.

They don’t tell you this. It’s a lot easier to justify a delay because of your own safety than someone elses.

EDIT: In italics for clarity

Anonymous 0 Comments

The availability of airport equipment can also be a factor. I was in Austin a couple winters ago, and it snowed for the first time in years. The airport only had one de-icing machine. Employees were not experienced in using it and at one point they actually ran out of fluid and had to go get more. Maaajor flight delays and outright cancellations. I believe the flights were prioritized based on when they were scheduled to depart. There were also complications around how long cabin crews had been working prior to taking off. (My flight baaaaaarely made it off the runway in time.)

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m an Airline Pilot. There are a lot of separate factors here.

1) Different aircraft variants have different crosswind limits

2) The same aircraft variants can have different crosswind limits between different operators/airlines

3) different operators/airlines have different stable approach criteria and different restrictions on contaminated runway operations/adverse weather ops

4) Airport facilities. Intense snow and severe icing. Can the deicing provider cope with everyone simultaneously (hint, outside of the hugely experienced airports who cope with snow every year, the answer is no)

5) Strong winds – we take off into headwinds. In the A320 we can accept crosswind up to 38kts and a tailwind up to 10kts. Every flight is different though – although allowed to take off in 10kts of tailwind, we are so heavy on this particular flight that our take off performance calculations show we can’t take off in accordance with the performance requirements. Can’t use that runway end, have to use the other. Can’t take off into aircraft approaching the other runway end. Big delays.

6) As pilots when we say ‘bad weather’ we are generally thinking about

Strong gusty crosswinds

Windshear and microbursts

Thunderstorms (TS) & Cumulonimbus (CB) clouds that can generate moderate to severe turbulence, windshear, icing

Heavy freezing rain

Low visibility (<550m in fog/drizzle/low cloud)

Mountain waves

Very strong gusty headwinds

If there is TS/CB activity in the vicinity of the airport then everyone going in and out is going to need to take avoiding action and be vectored around it. ATC are going to be very, very busy indeed and consequently the flow rate of aircraft in and out will need to be chopped. When this happens most aircraft in and out end up being given what we call a slot/CTOT/CDM TSAT which is a designated time we’re allowed to go. This could be hours and hours after the scheduled departure time.

So your flight may be cancelled because

1) The weather is out of limits

2) The chopped flow rate means your flight has to be cancelled

3) The slot means your flight crew will be ‘out of hours’ – the delay means our duty hours would breach the limits. There is a special procedure called discretion to extend the limits slightly but only to get home on the last flight after an unexpected delay, e.g a diversion due to a passenger medical emergency. In Europe it can’t really be used to leave home base for an expected delay like forecast severe weather. In these circumstances the airline call new crew from standby but if there aren’t any/enough available then the flight simply cannot operate.

I fly the A320. If the crosswind including gusts exceeds 38kts we simply can’t shoot the approach or take off. If the airport is covered in TS and CB’s we’ll just have to divert. If they’re isolated and we can try to pick through we’ll give it a go but if there is a sniff of safety being compromised we’ll have to go around and go off to the alternate.

Bear in mind we will have loaded lots of extra fuel (I’m talking several tons…as much as is necessary but also not so much that it causes landing performance problems) to give us lots of holding time. We try our best to achieve the schedule but if the weather is out of limits or other aircraft are reporting genuine windshear or severe turbulence etc it just can’t be done. Can’t take off into reported genuine windshear. No one is going to take off into a proper embedded thunderstorm.


Lots of questions asking me to explain windshear and microbursts and whether they are common.

Read this, it’s an exceptionally good article on what WS actually is.


Microbursts aren’t, because we don’t fly through thunderstorms. We also have doppler radar that measures the shear rates of water droplets in the atmosphere ahead to detect and warn of windshear i.e. microbursts and gust fronts.
Watch this from 1:10 onwards

If you guys are still really interested, read this.


-edit again-

Ok the amount of responses to this has gone a bit fucking mental. I’m busy atm but when I get back home in a few hours I’ll follow up on all your questions and messages.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the airport and the specific conditions

Many airports will have primary runways pointed one direction and secondary one pointed another. For example Newark has two long North-South runways and one short East-West runway, most planes use the two parallel runways under most conditions with one for takeoffs and the other for landings, but if there are strong Westerly winds then they can’t use the two main runways and have to use the much smaller one for both take off and landing. This cuts their capacity to less than half but still leaves them with some capacity.

Which planes make it in depends on what the airlines need. If they need your airframe for an international flight in the morning it’ll get priority over a regional flight which is much cheaper for them to reschedule

Anonymous 0 Comments

It has to do with the strength of the wind and the weight of the plane.

A small single person single engine propeller plane is is very light and as such it’s very easy for the wind to blow it from the runway.

A huge Airbus 380 is very heavy and has lots of power in the engines, as such it takes a lot of wind before it gets actually impacts by it.

So the airport can be closed for smaller planes but the big ones might still go through.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of time those flights are cancelled because the planes can’t get IN to a city because of the wind/weather…but if the plane is already there, it very rarely gets cancelled for weather unless you do see that more than half are cancelled. It’s a lot easier to get a plane out of a city with bad weather than it is to bring one in.