when hand washing dishes, how hot should the rinse water be, and why?


when hand washing dishes, how hot should the rinse water be, and why?

In: 274

37 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As hot as needed to make dried fats on the plates and cookware liquid again or your soap will be useless. You can’t exactly mix hardend fats from butter with soap.

You’ll need to find a perfect balanse between temperature, emulsifier from the soap and heat tolerance of your hand

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the setting (home/work). If it’s at home, it really doesn’t matter so long as they’re clean on the wash part. At work, it depends on if you’re required to have the water at a certain temperature and what kind of sanitizer you have

Anonymous 0 Comments

It should b as hott as u can stand! The hotter the better! Its basically sanitizing n killing all the germs in hot water

Anonymous 0 Comments

It honestly doesn’t matter; use a temperature that’s comfortable to have your hands in. This ensures that you wash thoroughly instead of trying to rush and get your hands out of the water.

Soap and scrubbing do far more for hand-cleaning than water temperature ever will.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the restaurant industry, the washing water for handwashing items that can’t be washed in the machine should be hot, but everything is sanitized in a light bleach water sink that always ends up cold and health code doesn’t require it to be heated. A quick wash sanitizing machine is hot.

Hot water rinse will allow the water to evaporate faster resulting in a quicker drying time, but it’s not required from an official health code standpoint.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hot enough to make the grease on the plate easy to wipe off but not hot enough to delete the top layers of your skin

Anonymous 0 Comments

Enough to average kinetic energy those grimy mfs on the dish but not enough that your hand becomes black or white.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Get a dishwasher. The unit will use less water and soap than washing by hand for four minutes. It will also do a better job.

Anonymous 0 Comments

RINSE? Fucking hell, when you’re paying for water/heating you don’t rinse…

(No dishwasher here) Just fill your sink, but don’t overdo the washing -up liquid. As long as you’ve got everything in the sink soon enough after dinner, just wash and put on the drying rack. Been doing that for years.

Anonymous 0 Comments

*we are the millers meme*

You guys use hot water to wash the dishes? Lol