when in a dark room why can you see things in your peripheral vision but not when you look directly at it?


when in a dark room why can you see things in your peripheral vision but not when you look directly at it?

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9 Answers

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Imagine you have two kinds of eyes: one that can see colors and shapes very well, and one that can see in the dark very well. The color eyes are in the middle of your eyeballs, and the dark eyes are around them. When you are in a bright place, you use your color eyes more, and when you are in a dark place, you use your dark eyes more. But sometimes, when you are in a very dark place, your color eyes get confused and can’t see anything. Your dark eyes can still see a little bit, but only around the edges of your vision. So when you look directly at something in the dark, you are using your color eyes that can’t see it. But when you look away from it, you are using your dark eyes that can see it a little bit. That’s why things in the dark look clearer in your peripheral vision than when you look directly at them.

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