When is it actually appropriate to say “Theoretically”?


Terms like “theoretically” or “in theory” are over used, and often used inappropriately Most of the time, the term “hypothetically” is a more appropriate term for what they mean. For example, people say things like “I have a theory that…”, when it would be more appropriate to say “I have a hypothesis that…”

My question is, when is it *actually* appropriate to use a phrase like “in theory” or “theoretically”? Please give an example when you answer.

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36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nope, the uses you provided as an example are always correct. Scientific terms need to be decided, language language is fluid and the word theoretically has the scientific meaning as well as a common use meaning.

It is more accurate to say you have a hypothesis, I say hypothesis instead of theory as well, but it is not actually more correct outside of a scientific context.

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