Here is the real problem, and I’m talking about you Bank of America, (I’m a cybercrime investigator that does wire fraud cases,) there should be no way in 2022 in America especially with the Patriot act that someone can set up a Bank of America account one day with little or no accurate ID, have millions of dollars wired into the account the next day, the money immediately wired back out overseas, and no flags or cooling off period or no verifications happen. Literally 90% of the time I investigate a wire fraud case, the bad actors use Bank of America at some point in the process and it is infuriating as hell. On another note we do trace the money sometimes we can’t do anything about it I had a case where the scammers had the money in a account and used mules all over New York City going to each ATM machine and withdrawing the daily limit from one machine to the next, we had pictures of the people, but there wasn’t a damn thing we could do about it.
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