Having tried to self-teach myself, my first tip is, if at all possible, get some lessons.
My second tip is checking out a youtube lesson from someone like Justinguitar. Watch, try yourself, rinse and repeat. Take it three seconds at a time if that’s what it takes.
Memorizing and honing the basic chord shapes to your muscle memory by doing them lots of times, and then changing quickly between them is a good way of spending time with your guitar. Pay special attention to only touch the strings that are needed, and only strum the strings that are needed.
In general, full chords are often played when [playing a rhythm](https://youtu.be/ezV3hfNOD3Y?si=_JN53pXb02g0TYpa&t=287), and individual springs are plucked when playing a melody or [guitar solo](https://youtu.be/LN0c6IfMkac?si=y6ba50YH9HKYU6Kc&t=80).
If playing an electric guitar, playing it plugged into an amp, an amp simulator, a computer, headphones or anything, is preferable to playing it unplugged: doing the latter, you’ll develop bad habits in terms of not damping the strings you don’t want to ring.
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