when some foreign particle enters the human body then immune system reacts to it and tries to destroy it, be it anything even an organ from another person. Why immune system does not react to titanium plates-that are attached to fix the broken bones?


I got a titanium plate screwed in my lower jaw that got broken previously. I recently read somewhere that immune system attacks every foreign particle, even transplanted organs that’s why one has to be on immunosuppressants to live with transplanted organs.

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alloy steel and titanium are non-toxic (many metals are) and when bone encounters titanium it reacts similarly to a bone graft, which is to say it continues to grow properly. Bone would react differently to copper, copper can rupture cell membranes in bacteria! It isn’t about the immune system; this is like getting shot vs getting sick. Your body can’t function if something is inside of it tearing it apart like a molecular weed wacker. Your immune system can fight sick, it can’t and doesn’t fight heavy metal poisoning. In general, it is hard to get a heavy metal poisoning from titanium, it isn’t impossible, but it doesn’t happen from having a surgical implant.

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