– When someone dies, what happens to their direct debits and debts?


When somebody dies, how do the companies and banks know, and what happens to their outstanding debts/payments?

For example, car insurance, direct debits for services, and what happens to outstanding balances on credit cards/loans and car financing?

In: 3

5 Answers

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Eventually either a family member or someone appointed to manage the estate sends a message (and provides a copy of the death certificate if necessary) asking to cancel any recurring services that aren’t needed to maintain the estate.

As for debts, loans secured by property (such as a car or home) may see the property subject to foreclosure if there is nobody willing to take on both the property and it’s financial obligations.

For any other debts, the creditors can file in court for a share of remaining assets/funds, but if that’s insufficient they don’t get anything else.

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