When surgeons perform a “36 hour operation” what exactly are they doing?


What exactly are they doing the entirety of those hours? Are they literally just cutting and stitching and suctioning the entire time? Do they have breaks?

In: 4243

14 Answers

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They do it in stages – different specialists will handle different stages of the complicated operation, while the others wait their turn, rest, eat, and prepare. No one surgeon can do everything in these procedures, and even if they could, it would be incredibly unsafe to have one person working for that long without rest or food.

So one team, say a vascular surgery team, will come in and do all of the work needed around veins and arteries. Once their portion is done, and they’ve made sure there are no unexpected complications, they’ll tag out, and a team of orthopedic specialists will come in to do work on the bone, and so on.

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