When the sun was down how did societies that used sun dials know how much time has passed?


When the sun was down how did societies that used sun dials know how much time has passed?

In: 7

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

EDIT: I just re-read the question and realised I clearly wasn’t paying attention on my first reading – you were asking about when the sun is hidden by a somewhat more solid obstacle than mere clouds, so my answer doesn’t actually answer your question at all, but I figure some people might find it vaguely amusing anyway :-/

There are lots of *other* means of telling the time that don’t rely on the sun, and others will likely mention those – there might be an issue with the question being “societies that used sundials” indicating that they didn’t use other methods, though 😛

Anyway, in the spirit of my general desire to find an answer nobody else comes up with, how about using [a sunstone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunstone_(medieval)) (not [sunstone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunstone)!)

Certain kinds of crystals ([Iceland Spar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceland_spar) being a contender) can react to light in such a way that you can see which direction the sun is even when overcast. Combining this with a sundial* would allow you to tell the time in moderately cloudy conditions 🙂

* or knowing which way’s north plus a bit of geometry 😛

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