When throwing a baseball or softball, how advantageous is it for the pitcher to have longer arms?


A couple weeks ago, I was watching college softball where one of the top ranked schools in the country—Alabama—has a 6’1 pitcher named Montana Fouts. She’s one of the most decorated and dominate college softball players of all time and I want to believe part of the reason is because she’s really freakin tall and has long arms.

Does having long arms create a longer leaver, creating more momentum, thus making the ball go faster or am I confusing something?

In: 8

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s another factor to pitchers being tall and having long arms that’s simpler than the mechanics of throwing: they just get to release the ball closer to the plate. Over the history of baseball, pitchers have both [gotten taller and started throwing faster](https://www.theringer.com/mlb/2021/3/15/22331075/pitching-mound-move-distance), which combine to give a batter meaningfully less time to make a good swing.

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