When used in connection with political campaigning, how are the “Jobs Created” per administration calculated?

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I understand sectors in business having growth and lean periods, I’m wondering what constitutes a created job, making it able to be included in the statistics, and how is the data measured or collected.

In: Economics

Anonymous 0 Comments

well, its really simple. The Bureau of Labor Statistics goes out to a bunch of companies and asks them “Yo, how many employees do you have (that arent farmers)?”

Then it adds up all those numbers, does a bit of statistics on it to account for not being able to ask all companies (there are a lot of companies) and gives a quarterly report.

So to calculate jobs created, just take the number before your policy, and the number after and subtract them. Boom, jobs created.

Then apply statistics to that number as needed to make it look ether good or bad for said policy depending on what propaganda your campaign is pushing.