When we ask “why is there something rather than nothing” what does that mean?


I’ve been seeing this philosophical question popping up lately and I don’t understand the question even after Googling the explanation.

In: 5

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Currently, stuff exists. There are only two/three possibilities that could lead to this.

Either stuff always existed, so nothing ever changes.

Or, nothing existed, so everything came from nothing.

Or, some stuff existed, but other stuff has started to exist since then, which is basically just option 2 with a headstart.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If nothing existed, we wouldn’t exist to contemplate it. Instead something exists and we contemplate it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If nothing existed, we wouldn’t exist to contemplate it. Instead something exists and we contemplate it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If nothing existed, we wouldn’t exist to contemplate it. Instead something exists and we contemplate it.