– when we take painkillers, is the pain still there and we just don’t feel it anymore? Or does it actually ‘kill the pain’ completely?


Asking this as I have a horrible throat infection making it incredibly painful to swallow, and therefore difficult to eat and drink. I have to stay on top of my painkillers every four hours or the pain starts to come back, I’d just love to know how this actually works.

In: 868

63 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends. I mean, its really all relative. If the pain is gone temporarily, then one could argue that it killed the pain, completely, temporarily.

If the problem is inflammation, then there may be an allergy related post nasal drip happening that is drying your throat up, making it hurt. Drinking water is the key.
You can also have an infection without a fever. If the throat ache goes on for a week, it helps to get a throat culture done to see if there is any infection.

As far as how painkillers work, they might indeed kill or dull the pain temporarily, but they dont kill any infection, or treat the root cause of the pain.

Theres a product out, AZO, which claims.to help with bladder infections. The problem with this OTC product is that some people use it when they start feeling a bladder infection, to FEEL better, and can end up with a kidney infection, because they used an analgesic or anti-inflammatory, and didnt get their doctor to prescribe an antibiotic. Its okay to FEEL better, but if the problem is lasting for a week, its time to get an antibiotic to kill the infection.

Once the infection is gone, along with the antibiotics, this will end the pain.

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