– when we take painkillers, is the pain still there and we just don’t feel it anymore? Or does it actually ‘kill the pain’ completely?


Asking this as I have a horrible throat infection making it incredibly painful to swallow, and therefore difficult to eat and drink. I have to stay on top of my painkillers every four hours or the pain starts to come back, I’d just love to know how this actually works.

In: 868

63 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was in excruciating pain due to a herniated discs.

They tried OxyContin and Percocet…. no effect.

They finally started giving my Dilaudid injections ….. the pain was still there, but it was duller and “far away”.

The Dilaudid at least allowed me to rest a little until I could get surgery done.

I loathe recreational opiate users, their choice to abuse opioids for strictly recreational use are making it hard for people with actual medical needs to access effective medicines.

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