– when we take painkillers, is the pain still there and we just don’t feel it anymore? Or does it actually ‘kill the pain’ completely?


Asking this as I have a horrible throat infection making it incredibly painful to swallow, and therefore difficult to eat and drink. I have to stay on top of my painkillers every four hours or the pain starts to come back, I’d just love to know how this actually works.

In: 868

63 Answers

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Imagine you’re playing with your friends and accidentally scrape your knee. Ouch! That hurts, right? So, there’s this thing in our body called “Substance P” that acts like a messenger. When you get hurt, it tells your brain, “Hey, something’s not right here. You need to feel pain so you know something’s wrong.”

Now, about pain killers. When you take a pain killer, it intersperses with Substance P from telling your brain about the pain. That’s how you start to feel better after taking a pain killer.

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